The Brothers of Charity Services Limerick have 26 Community Houses offering accommodation to adults with disabilities in the Limerick city and Newcastle West areas. The focus of our community residential services is to provide housing within an ordinary neighbourhood. These houses are designed to meet the needs and wishes of the people living there in line with the National Quality Standards (HIQA, 2013).
The underlying quality and safety themes of our community residences are:
- Individualised supports and care
- Effective services
- Safe services
- Health and development
The Application Process:
Prior to offering a service, the applicant and family will be invited to visit the services to meet with staff and to be made aware of the various programs on offer.
Ideally the applicant will have a gradual transition to the new service where possible.
Service provision will be dictated by the needs and personal goals of the applicant which will be outlined in the Person Centred Plan. Family involvement is of paramount importance. Each applicant will receive an Individual Service Agreement outlining the service that they can expect to receive. This agreement will be completed and signed by the applicant prior to admission.
A Person Centred Review meeting will be held with the individual and family within their first 3 months of placement. Through these meetings families/carers maintain involvement and are consulted and will be informed of progress or any change of circumstances.
Regular home visits for the individual will also be agreed and facilitated. Individual’s medical card and disability allowance will be transferred with the recipient of this service. The individual will be supported to maintain his/her own personal finances.