Policies List Brothers of Charity Services Limerick
- Policy on the Handling of Adult Service Users Personal Assets
- Bereavement Policy *
- Local Operational Complaints Procedure for Adults who use the Services, Families and Advocates*
- Local Operational Complaints Procedure for Adults who use the Services, Families and Advocates – Plain English
- Advocacy Policy *
- Policy Statement on Quality Service *
- Personal Development, Relationships & Sexuality
- End of Life Care Policy
- Policy on the Use of Personal Assistance Services
- Policy on Communication and Information to Residents
*Indicates where an Easy to Read version of the policy is available.
- Health & Safety Statement*
- Policy on Administration and Management of Medication
- Medication Management and Procedure for Community Services
- Medication Management and Procedure for Integrated Services
- Policy on the Management of Aggression
- Policy on the Use of Seclusion
- Manual Handling and People Handling Policy
- Local Operational Risk Management Procedures
- Staff Accidental Inoculation Policy
- Policy for Nurses Undertaking Venepuncture
- Accident and Incident Reporting Policy
- Interim Guidelines on Use of Restrictive Practice
*Indicates where an Easy to Read version of the policy is available.
- Staff Expenses Policy
- Petty Cash Policy
- Employee Orientation Policy *
- Referrals, Admissions, Discharges & Transfer Policy for Adult Services
- Policy Relating to Service Users’ Files in the BOC Services Limerick
- Staff Vaccination Policy
- Smoke Free Workplace Policy *
- Policy on Confidentiality in respect of people who use the services and their families
- Policy on the Use of the Internet *
- Volunteer Policy
- Staff Learning & Development Policy
- Policy & Procedures Vetting of Staff & Volunteers
- Staff Recruitment & Selection Policy
- Policy Review
- Attendance Management Policy
- Unpaid Leave Policy
- Policy on the Shorter Working Year Scheme
- Dignity at Work Policy
- Procedure for Developing Policies, Procedures, Protocols and Guidelines
- Procurement Policy
- Lone Worker Policy
*Indicates where an Easy to Read version of the policy is available.
- Code of Practice for all Persons who Support Adults using the Brothers of Charity Services
- Code of Practice for all Persons who Support Children using the Brothers of Charity Services
National Procedures:
- The Investigation of Allegations Against Staff Members of Incidents of Abuse
- National Policy: Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults at Risk from Abuse
- National Procedures: Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults at Risk from Abuse
National Policy and Procedure:
- The Welfare & Protection of Children
- National Policy on Risk Management
- National Visitors Policy
- National Policy Education Support for Children in Respite/Residential Care
- National Policy Missing Persons
- National Policy Food and Nutrition
- National Policy: Access to Education, Training and Development for Adults Supported by Services
- National Policy: Infection / Prevention and Control
- National Policy: Intimate / Personal Care
- National Procedure: Fuel Card Management
*Indicates where an Easy to Read version of the policy is available.
Plain English Version
The Brothers of Charity Services Limerick welcomes all comments and complaints.
This document provides a summary of the Brothers of Charity Services Limerick Local Operational Complaints Procedure for Adults who use the Services, Families and Advocates.
You can request a full version of the procedure by contacting your area manager or any member of staff who can forward your request.
Issues Raised:
Issues identifying dissatisfaction with the service that are minor but still of significance to the person will be responded to and recorded locally. If you have an issue, you can raise it with any member of staff. They will work with you to resolve your issue at local level. If the staff member cannot resolve your issue to your satisfaction or if you wish to speak directly to a line manager (Senior Supervisor or Person in Charge) you can make an informal complaint.
Informal Complaints:
Informal complaints include:
Any ‘issues raised’ which are not resolved without the involvement of the line manager (Senior Supervisor or Person in Charge).
Any verbal complaint made directly to the line manager(Senior Supervisor or Person in Charge)
If you make an informal complaint the line manager (Senior Supervisor or Person in Charge) will arrange to meet with you to discuss your complaint and try to resolve the complaint at this point.
If your complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction the line manager (Senior Supervisor or Person in Charge) will support you, as required, to put your complaint in writing and forward your complaint to the Complaints Officer.
Formal Complaints:
If you wish to make a formal complaint you can do so in writing to the Complaints Officer. If you prefer to make your formal complaint verbally, staff will support you to document it and forward it to the Complaints Officer.
The Complaints Officer for Community Services is the Head of Community Services.
The Complaints Officer for Integrated Services is the Head of Integrated Services.
Formal complaints will be acknowledged within five working days of receipt of the written, formal complaint.
A full investigation will take place within 30 working days resulting in a written report. In the event of a longer investigation a progress report will be given to the complainant within 30 working days and an update given every 20 working days thereafter, outlining the current status of the complaint.
Internal Review:
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the complaints management process he / she may seek an internal review that will be handled through the Office of the Director of Services.
External Complaints Mechanism / Independent Review:
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the complaints management process you may seek an independent review through the Office of the Ombudsman, the HSE, the Confidential Recipient or the National Disability Authority (See Appendix 1 for contact details).
This procedure does not preclude you from the choice of taking your complaint through the Civil Courts on a point of law, up to and including the European Courts.
Contact Details for Independent Review
Local HSE
Ms. Nuala Kelly,
Disability Services Executive,
Health Service Executive,
South West Wing,
St Joseph’s Hospital,
Mulgrave Street,
National HSE
Head of Consumer Affairs,
Health Service Executive,
Oak House,
Limetree Avenue
Millennium Park,
Co. Kildare.
HSE Director of Advocacy
National Advocacy Unit,
Quality & Patient Safety Directorate,
HSE, Oak House,
Limetree Avenue,
Millennium Park,
Co. Kildare.
Confidential Recipient for Vulnerable Persons
Leigh Gath,
Training Services Centre Dooradoyle,
Lo-call: 1890 100 014
Mobile: 087 6657269
Email: leigh.gath@crhealth.ie