The Day Service endeavours to support and provide opportunities for a wide range of skills development programmes and therapeutic services to all individuals with intellectual disability. Underpinning service provision is that each individual is valued and listened to. The Day Services offer support to individuals in a manner that is flexible, responsive and person centred. A wide range of choices and options are offered based on each person’s preferences as outlined in their Person Centred Plan.
The Brothers of Charity Limerick Day Services are informed by the policy document New Directions which was published by the HSE in 2012. This report sets out a new approach to day services that envisages all the supports available in communities will be mobilised so that people with disabilities have the widest choice and options about how to live their lives and how to spend their time.
The main aims of day service provision are:
- To provide a community based day service in line with New Directions guidelines and opportunities to promote and support community inclusion.
- To provide a variety of activities and therapies based on the individuals outcomes as identified through the person centred planning process.
- To provide new opportunities for individuals to develop their personal skills.
- To foster the independence and the individuality for those attending the service, in keeping with best practise.
- To provide a multi-disciplinary team approach, supporting personal outcomes and ongoing requirements.
- To ensure service provision is in keeping with the ethos of the Brothers of Charity.
- To ensure continuity of care to all individuals through effective communication with families and relevant staff.
We offer a wide range of activities, programmes and training in our day services.Day services are located in West Limerick and throughout Limerick City to ensure maximum participation and inclusion in the community.We continue to open new services to meet the needs of individuals.
Current day service locations in Limerick City are:
- Fairgreen, Mulgrave Street, Limerick.
- Blackberry Park, Dock Road, Ballykeefe, Limerick
- Stewart House, Plassey Technology Park, Castletroy, Limerick.
- Mahon House, Upper William Street, Limerick
- Southill Area Centre, Southill, Limerick
The day service in West Limerick is located:
- Lacey’s Cross, Gortboy, Newcastlewest, Co. Limerick.
New Development:
We have recently opened a new development Roselawn Day Service.
This day service offers a fun age appropriate day service for individuals aged between 21 and 30 years of age.
The activities, programmes and training that we provide through our day services is based around the requests needs and desires of the individuals attending the service. Our aim is to access the community for as many activities as possible. Highlights include:
Life Skills Training: Cooking, grocery shopping training, list making, money training, public bus training, mobile phone training, computers.
Leisure: Swimming, gym, badminton, walking, art and crafts.
Other Important Activities: Advocacy meetings, key worker meetings, shopping, library visits, lunch out and cinema.
Satellite Day Services are a relatively new and innovative development within the Brothers of Charity Limerick Services.
In Limerick City, we currently have 4 satellite day centres which are located at:
- Our Lady of Lourdes Community Centre, Childers Road, Limerick.
- St Munchin’s Community Centre, Kileely, Limerick.
- Limerick Enterprise Development Park, Roxboro, Limerick.
- Limerick Youth Service, Glentworth Street, Limerick.
Our aim is to promote inclusion and participation in the local community. These are small person centred day services. This allows the staff member to have more time to support people to achieve their potential and thus reach their goals. Participants are encouraged to get involved in local community run activities and educational programmes. This also facilitates integration into community living.
One of the initiatives that developed from one of our satellite services was the setting up of a stall in the local Milk Market on Fridays. With the support of a local volunteer artist, individuals design and paint their own pieces of art which they then sell at the local market.
There are now 5 satellite services open in West Limerick.
Abbeyfeale: This satellite opened in early 2015. The facility is a former training centre. It is accessible and has two very large activity rooms, a smaller room and two offices. The building is a short walk from the church, shops and bus stop and a bit further to centre of Abbeyfeale town.
The focus of this group is on inclusion in the local community, new experiences and learning.
Daarwood: There are two satellite services in the building. Both groups, although providing separate services, work together for support.Each person has an individual programme based on their person centred plan. Community inclusion and learning are the main focus.
The building has a multi- sensory room, bathroom, store room and general activities room. The programme here is very structured as routine is important for a number of people with autism who attend this service. The focus is on a quiet environment, new experiences and community integration.
Desmond Complex: The Desmond Complex provides facilities and services to a wide range of people in the West Limerick area. The Complex operates a Day Care service, providing a place for members of our community to meet. The service is offered three days a week on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. The attendees participate in activities such as Bingo, Cards, Music, Dancing and Games. Entertainment is provided through local musicians each of the above afternoons. A hot nutritious three course meal is provided, as well as morning and afternoon refreshments. There are a number of resource rooms available to other groups to rent. The building is completely accessible and is a very short walk from the town centre.
Portland Drive: This facility is located in Portland Drive in close proximity to the Day Service. This facility is used as a drop in type service with most people attending having obtained and maintained paid employment locally. This service is based on individual need with a strong focus on community inclusion and learning.
This is a service for individuals who have expressed a wish to work in the community as identified through the person centred planning process.
Work can take many forms:
- Work experience
- Job shadowing
- Work sampling
- Paid employment
- Volunteering
An individual may have to do some further training in preparation for the job. This will be supported by the Outreach Service.
Work opportunities strive to give people a meaningful social role and also work towards the fulfilment of a number of the 12 supports that have been identified in the New Directions Standards. The Outreach Service will to endeavour to support people to reach their goal by sourcing employment or volunteering opportunities that are matched to the needs and abilities of the individual. It will offer participants, employers and co-workers on the job support to make the transition as enjoyable and meaningful as possible for all stakeholders.
Outreach Services also support individuals who wish to further their education or up-skill. The service will support people to source suitable courses to meet the needs of each individual.