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Welcome to Brothers of Charity Services Ireland

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Assisted Decision Making (Capacity) Act 2015

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New Publications

Voting in Ireland

An Coimisiún Toghcháin – The Electoral Commission has produced a wonderful resource to support people to vote correctly. They have included a link to information on accessible voting on the Coimisiún’s website.

Introduction/context by Art O’Leary, CEO An Coimisiún Toghcháín, The Electoral Commission:

How to Vote:

Accessible Voting Information:

Learn More About The Brothers of Charity

History, Congregation, our Ethos, Organisational Structure & Mission Statement. The Brothers of Charity Services is an international, voluntary religious organisation founded in Belgium in 1807, by Canon Peter Triest. more»
BOCSI Training and Education Programmes


Our Mission Statement
“We are an inclusive, progressive organisation committed to the people we support and their right to lead full and valued lives as equal citizens. Inspired by the ethos of the Brothers of Charity we promote the values of dignity and respect for each person. (March 2022).”

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