About the Brothers of Charity Services (FOI)
Model Publication Scheme
- Corporate Guiding Principles
- Vision
- Mission Statement
- Core Principles
- Overview of the Company
- Articles and Memorandum of Association
- Management Structure
- Service Provision
- Organisational Structure Chart 2016
- Company Board Membership 2016
- Role of the National Board
- Committees to the National Board
- Audit Committee
- Quality & Risk Committee
- Nominations Committee
- Remuneration Committee
- Role of Board Members
- Delegated Powers to the Chief Executive
- Role of the Chief Executive - Key Accountabilities
- Advocacy
- National Corporate Guiding Principles of the Brothers of Charity Services a. Person Centred Services
- Pay/Grading Structures - Salary Scales and Pension Scheme of Staff Employed by Brothers of Charity Services
- Service Level Arrangement with the HSE
- Description of Records Held by the Body
- Customer Charter
- Code of Practice
- Complaints
b. Inclusion
c. Partnership
d. Enabling Structures
1. Corporate Guiding Principles
The Brothers of Charity Services Ethos document 'Going Forward Together (2001)' sets out the principles that underpin our work, clarify and shares the values that motivate us as we respond to our fellow citizens who have an intellectual disability.
2. Vision Statement
"Love and Respect in Every Action"
Vision is that which guides the organisation; vision is the ideal and comes from truly seeing the need. Vision is held in the heart; it lends energy and provides both inspiration and direction.
3. Mission Statement
"Belonging to an internationally active movement, and rooted in the values of the Christian Gospels, the Brothers of Charity Services Ireland provides quality services to support people who are in danger of being marginalised and strives to create opportunities and choices that develop and maintain connected lives where all are cherished as valued and equal citizens in our communities (2014)."
4. Core Characteristics and Principles
The core values of the Brothers of Charity Services that continue to motivate us as a Service are the Dignity and Humanity of each person. How these are expressed has evolved over time with our greater understanding of the rights of all people with a disability, with the changing hopes and expectations of the individuals and families with whom we work, and with the growing expertise within the Services.
The core characteristics of the Brothers of Charity Services which give us our guiding principles are:
- working for inclusion with people who are marginalised;
- striving for the highest possible human dignity in service provision;
- developing caring relationships and inclusive community;
- integrating the best of current trends in service provision;
- valuing a high standard of expertise;
- a progressive approach to the organisation and structure of services;
- a willingness to function within a social framework and to work in partnership with statutory bodies;
- finding final motivation in the Gospel.
5. A General Overview of the Brothers of Charity Services
The Brothers of Charity Congregation was founded by Fr. Peter Triest, in Ghent, Belgium in 1807. A deeply spiritual and yet very practical man Triest inspired his young congregation to devote their lives to working with the disadvantaged and marginalised. The Brothers of Charity opened their first Irish facility for people who suffered from a mental health illness in Waterford in 1883.
Today our Services focus on providing support services to people with an intellectual disability in Ireland. The Services are located in counties Clare, Galway, Roscommon, Limerick, Cork, Kerry, Waterford and Tipperary. The Services are made up of an overall total of approximately 6,524 people who access our services annually, and their families and some 3,531 staff (2783.35 whole time equivalent).
The Services offer service responses in local communities, promoting and supporting positive engagement and interaction between those who use our services and their community, and supporting them to participate in and be included in all facets of community life as equal and valued citizens. The Services work in partnership with local communities, agencies and organisations to initiate and develop increasingly inclusive opportunities for, and with, the individuals we support.
The Brothers of Charity Services attempts to ensure a personal response to the wishes, hopes and dreams of each individual supported. We adopt a person centred approach to service delivery, one in which individuals are assisted and supported by the Services to identify their life goals through their individual personal plan and are supported to achieve these goals. The Brothers of Charity Services in Ireland is a learning organisation whose responses are based on best practice, and in full recognition of the right of each person to self-determine their life goals and wishes. We listen to those we serve and, subject to available resources, endeavour to provide individuals with high quality supports that best suit their wishes and requirements. These are the tenets by which we operate.
6. Articles and Memorandum of Association
Memorandum and Articles of Association (PDF - 740KB)
The Brothers of Charity Services Ireland is a Company Limited by Guarantee, and provides Services to people with an Intellectual Disability and Autism on behalf of the Congregation of the Brothers of Charity in Ireland. These Services are provided throughout counties Roscommon, Galway (West Region) Clare, Limerick (soon to merge to become the Mid-West Region), Cork & Kerry (Southern Region), and Waterford, Kilkenny, and South Tipperary (South East Region). There is one overarching Service Level Arrangement between the HSE and BOCSI with individual schedules attached pertaining to the delivery of Services in each Region. Regions manage their own annual budget received mainly from the HSE through the local Community Health Office (CHO).
The Brothers of Charity Services adhere to and promote the ethos and principles of the Congregation of the Brothers of Charity in the management and delivery of the Services. The core values of our Services are the dignity and humanity of each person. In delivering our Service responses throughout the country, we are committed to a person centred approach and aim to provide, in as far as possible, individual supports for people, in order that they may identify and achieve their personal life goals and live ordinary lives in their communities. Our Services are measured using an accredited quality system - Council for Quality and Leadership (CQL). Our Services are also monitored and inspected by HIQA.
The BOCSI Company is supported by the National Office which is comprised of the Chief Executive Officer, the National Heads of Function (the Head of Finance; Risk and Regulation & Health & Safety; Human Resource Management; ICT; Quality, Safety, Training & Advocacy; and Procurement); and the PA to the Chief Executive Officer.
The Chief Executive Officer reports to the Board of the Brothers of Charity Services Ireland and is the Company Secretary. The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for the management and executive functions of the Company’s regions through the National Leadership Team.
The National Leadership Team supports the Chief Executive Officer, the National Board and its Committees, National Teams and Working Groups and it acts as appropriate as the single point of contact for external agencies and bodies. The NLT is made up of the four Directors of Service, the National Heads of Function and one Service Manager. The Directors of Service and the Service Manager have their own executive teams to support the delivery of services.
The National Advocacy Council is made up of people we support from each Region and their supporters. This group meets with the NLT bi-annually. Policies and Procedures which relate directly to the people we support all go from the Policy Review Group to the National Advocacy Council for comment and for transfer into easy to read documents.

Brothers of Charity Services Ireland CLG Bro. A.T. Hassett (Chair) Bro. J. O’Shea Mr. J. Barry Mr. S. Hayes Mr. P. McGinley Ms. S Allen Ms. A. Geraghty Mr. J. Delahunty Ms. G. Larkin Mr. E. Cusack Bro. N. Corcoran
Chief Executive (interim) Una Nagle Company Secretary September 2023
Board Committees
There are currently five committees in compliance with the Code of Practice for the Governance of State Bodies. Each Committee acts in accordance with its Terms of Reference, which are agreed by the Board, and reports to the Board.
Audit Committee Appointed by the Board, the main objective of the Audit Committee of the BOCSI is to support the Board in fulfilling its function by providing independent and timely advice to the Board on areas within its remit. It ensures that there is full control over the income, expenditure and assets of the BOCSI and ensures that all of its resources are used effectively in fulfilling its responsibilities.
Nominations Committee Appointed by the Board, the main objective of the Nominations Committee of the BOCSI is to oversee the arrangements for selection and rotation of members of the Board of the BOCSI.
Quality and Safeguarding Committee Appointed by the Board, the main objective of the Quality and Safeguarding Committee of the BOCSI is to support the Board to fulfil its function by providing independent and timely advice to the Board on areas within its remit, to ensure that clear and effective Quality and Safeguarding Management systems are in place, and that the welfare of those who use the Services is safeguarded.
Remuneration Committee Appointed by the Board the main objective of the Remuneration Committee of the BOCSI is to oversee the employment practices of the BOCSI and ensure that they comply with the Public Sector Pay Policy.
Risk Management Committee Appointed by the Board, the main objective of the Risk Management Committee of the BOCSI is to support the Board to fulfil its function by providing independent and timely advice to the Board on areas within its remit, to ensure that clear and effective Risk Management systems are in place, and that the welfare of those who are supported by the Services and our Staff is safeguarded.
13. The Role of Board Members
Board members are appointed by the National Board and the Regional Leader of the Congregation. Board members are expected to:
- attend board meetings on a regular basis and be well prepared in advance of the meeting;
- contribute to decision-making and share responsibility for the board's decisions;
- contribute to the work of any committees established by the board;
- represent the board at meetings and events as required;
- attend training events and keep up to date with subjects relevant to the organisation's work;
- share corporate responsibility for decisions taken by the board as a whole;
- maintain confidentiality in regard to matters discussed at board meetings;
- be loyal to the company and be conscious when speaking in public of the need to maintain the good reputation of the company;
- contribute to the development of strategies, policies and plans for the company;
- monitor and review performance without interfering in the day-to-day running of the company;
- disclose any personal interest or profit which may conflict with the interests of the company;
- be aware of the obligations of board members under the Companies Acts 2014.
14. Delegated Powers to the Chief Executive:
The day to day management of the Brothers of Charity Services Ireland is a matter for the Chief Executive and their Central Management Team. This includes:
- implementing the board policy;
- implementing the recruitment and remuneration policy of the company;
- staff management, motivation and leadership;
- ensuring appropriate asset maintenance, health and safety, and risk management systems are in place;
- developing and implementing the agreed strategic plan;
- monitoring the objectives and budget of each Service region;
- providing line management for the Directors of Service, Service Leader and Central Management Team; and
- ensuring the organisation operates within the required statutory standards, for example HIQA Standards in Care, and relevant statutory regulations.
15. Role of the Chief Executive - Key Accountabilities
- To develop and gain approval for the strategies, policies and plans necessary to ensure that the Board delivers on its agreed budget and other service targets as set out by the National Board.
- To recruit, lead, motivate and develop the staff of the company in accordance with the policies of the National Board to ensure that they contribute to the fullest extent possible to the achievement of the key objectives of the company in a professional, flexible and co-operative manner.
- To ensure that appropriate systems are developed, implemented and kept under review in order that the key objectives in terms of budget, resource allocation, service provision, community participation and monitoring are met in the most effective manner.
- To ensure that the necessary financial recording and reporting systems are in place (and kept under review) to meet all statutory and operational requirements.
- To promote and monitor the development of the Brothers of Charity vision, mission and ethos within the Services and within projects, activities and enterprises associated with the Services.
- To seek new resources to meet identified needs and to negotiate with the local area funders of services for the resources required.
- To ensure compliance with all relevant statutory regulations.
16. Advocacy
The National Advocacy Council was formed in 1998 to support a key principle of the Brothers of Charity Services that the people who use our services are formally involved in the local, regional and national operation of our Services and remain an integral part of our governance structure. At a local level, advocacy groups are established where individuals are supported to speak and act on their own behalf and on the behalf of others via peer advocacy. Each Region of the Services has a Regional Advocacy Council which deals with issues which need to and can be addressed at regional level. Each Regional Advocacy Council elects representatives to the National Advocacy Council who meet bi-annually with the Chief Executive's Forum at which issues of national concern are raised and addressed. Each Regional Advocacy Council also meets annually with the relevant subsidiary Board.
17. National Corporate Guiding Principles of the Brothers of Charity Services
The corporate guiding principles have come about following a wide consultation process. They have been broken down under four headings and each of the six Service Region's strategies are developed in line with these principles.
a. Person Centered Services
b. Inclusion
c. Partnership
d. Enabling Structures
18. Salary Scales and Pension of Staff Employed by the Brothers of Charity Services
The Board of Director positions are all voluntary positions and they do not receive any payment for their services.
All staff employed by the Brothers of Charity Services are paid under an agreed Salary Scale and conditions as set out by the HSE. Click on link below to view Salary Scales applicable to Brothers of Charity Service Staff.
Brothers of Charity Staff are members of the Pension Scheme. Click on link below to view information on the Pension Scheme.
Link to Benefits scheme: https://healthservice.hse.ie/staff/benefits-services/
19. Service Arrangements
The HSE require by statute an agreement to manage the arrangement of services to be delivered on its behalf, health and personal social services. The Health Acts empower the HSE to enter into an arrangement with the Service Provider to provide health and personal social services. Each Region of the Brothers of Charity Services has service agreement/s with their local HSE. Click on the link below to view a generic copy of the Services Service Arrangement with the HSE.
20. Description of Records Held by the Body
Description of Records Held by the Body (PDF - 768KB)
21. Customer Charter
Customer Charter (PDF - 534KB)
22. Code of Practice
Code of Practice Children (PDF - 495KB)
Code of Practice Adults (PDF - 460KB)
23. Complaints
Click here for our Complaints page